Welcome to The Wand-Ring Project
We’re making something awesome: Magic wands!
Super-sparkle power! Playing with an early prototype. Yep, he just cast his first spell! Wand bling! All the parts for a Unicorn Hair Wand-Ring wand. Wand bling! A “boxy” wand – guts exposed
Magic wands that you can cast spells with and use in real-time spell duels!
And they’re open-source! The hardware specs, software, and how to make them is all available for free. Get the pieces you need, put ’em together, upload the software, and you’re good to go!
As of 2021-02-02, this project is a work-in-progress. We still have a lot to do – dueling software improvements, more tutorials, etc… Great things are afoot, and we hope you’ll come along with us for the ride!